Sunday, November 4, 2012

Confucius Say...

Do you ever think that maybe there's a little Providence in your fortune cookie?

Ok, I'm not saying I'd like to bear my testimony of fortune cookies and I know that they're true. I'm just wondering...if Heavenly Father sends us messages through the scriptures, through nature, and through other people, well...why not through food?

Regardless of whether or not it really was meant especially for me, I really liked my most recent fortune:

The near future holds a gift of contentment.

The more I live, the more I realize, life is hard (I'm brilliant, I know). And most of the time, it's not the kind of hard that can just disappear...let's face it, as much as we pray, our biology teacher is still going to give us a research paper, and we're still going to have to have an apartment cleaning check, study for tests, eat, and try to be a good person, all at once.

No, it's not all going to go away...unfortunately. And it's probably going to get harder. I get that. But I am also learning that the near future always holds a gift of contentment.

Perhaps Elder Richard G. Scott said it better than a fortune cookie in a 1995 General Conference. My wonderful RA brought up this talk today in our floor meeting. (Maybe she was just as inspired as the cookie I ate on Thursday night). Elder Scott put it this way:

"I testify that when the Lord closes one important door in your life, He shows His continuing love and compassion by opening many other compensating doors through your exercise of faith. He will place in your path packets of spiritual sunlight to brighten your way."

Life is still hard. But I've found that the harder life is, the brighter (and probably more frequent) our packets of sunlight:

A loving parent (or two)...

A call from a good friend...

A new favorite scripture...

Candy and an anonymous note at the door...

A new nephew...

The opportunity to serve...

A priesthood blessing...

A talk with a good listener...

...just to name a few.

Confucius say...I'll get through the next two weeks. And if not...Thanksgiving's right around the corner!


  1. I really wish I would have been as wise as you are when I was your age, or even now actually :)

  2. I love this post Sophie! You are amazing and so insightful and good with words! You are definitely going to get through the next two weeks and then, like you said, Thanksgiving break!!!
